Thursday, November 12, 2015

Time Line You - September's Project

          Ever have one of those moments where you think "it's okay I can do that later" and then you realize you still haven't done it.  Well that's me and my project posts.  I've spent so much time creating, grading, reading evaluations of students, etc. for these projects that I forgot to post descriptions and examples from them.  So I apologize profoundly, but here is my September Post (in November).  I will attempt to be more diligent in the coming months.  
         The first big project of the year was checking to see if student's understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, as well as chronological thinking.  In years past I've had them take their life events and compare them with others life events and make one large time line.  This year I had them focus solely on themselves and then find Primary Documents and Secondary Documents to use as reference for those events.  

          Overall the project was a success, but there were multiple students who found the sourcing component of this difficult.  This also led us into the Ordeal by Cheque Activity in which they had to create a story based on a primary documents (checks) about the life of the person.  We also then talked about Historical Perspectives and Interpretations and how people with the same set of primary evidence could come to different conclusions.

Here are examples of the finished products: (You'll notice that the major primary source for most of the students was pictures) Names, Dates, and Pictures have been blurred/erased for the safety of my students.

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