Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Internet Resources and the Oregon Trail - Take, Adapt, Adjust

Recently we started discussing the topic of Manifest Destiny, the Oregon Trail, and the Santa Fe Trail.  There's a video game that if you were raised in the 80's and 90's you might have played to see if you survived or not.  Originally I was going to do the game on the iPads with my students, but they were having technical issues at the time.  So here's what I did in its place.

1) GOOGLE IT/Find It - There's lots of things available online, however some of which you have to pay for.   So be careful.  I found a great sheet a teacher made of a general store and the costs.   I also found the blog for how they were doing it.  I took the budgets they created to go with their general store list.  Students then were randomly assigned a profession and had to budget their income with supplies for the trip to try and make sure they used most of their budget on supplies, but then also have a little extra in case of a "rainy day" (budgeting = life skill).

2) Adapt It - I also created Fate Cards in tables in word Fate Cards for things that could happen to along the trail (tornado, snake bites, river crossings, etc.) and costs to them (having a Native American cure the rattle snake bite was $5.00 or they could roll the dice to see if their child survived the bite).

3) Adjust - we then began our adventure.  My first class of the day I just had them adding to their totals; My second class of the day we had a list of the number of fates and they wrote down what they were going to do and then added the costs as well.  I found that adjusting it to include the list made them a little more accountable in their final numbers.

They then did their math (cross-curricular development?) and then we talked about minimum totals that meant their either survived or died along the journey.

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