Wednesday, September 11, 2013

App-Tivity - 13 Original Colonies

Come and Visit the Colony of ___________.  Let me explain why we are the colony for YOU!

Above is an example of an opening line for students advertisements for the thirteen original colonies.  There were three components for the activity.

1) Research Sheet - each group of students was assigned an iPad to use and needed to use Safari or Google Apps to search out information of their colony.  They looked up: Basic information (who founded, when, type of colony, etc.), Religion, Economics, Political, Examples of Laws, Relationships with Native Americans, and Interesting Facts.  

2) Story Board - Plot and Plan the order they wanted to talk about things in their presentation and what the general concept that they wanted to say was.

3) The Presentation - Students could use iMovie (if it was on their iPad) or Voicethread to make their advertisement.  It needed to include at least six visuals, plus at least 3-5 facts from each of the categories on their information sheet.

35 points Information - 7 topics (up to 5 points each)
10 points Articulation
10 points Creativity - (Would people want to come to your colony after seeing your advertisement?)
10 points Visuals

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