Monday, November 26, 2012

Google Translate... Saves the Day

     Google Translate is not always faithful in its translations of foreign languages, but did you know that it reads English really well?  I have been using Google Translate for my read aloud students who only occasionally want certain words read to them.  Rather than them having to go ask an adult in the library or in another classroom I arm them with an iPad that is restricted from Safari and other programs that might be used to help cheat and allow them to type in what they want read and then they hit the speaker and it reads the words to them.  They no longer need to feel self-conscious about asking, because they don't need to ask anyone, so at least my students, have been more likely to use the program.
    Google Translate also came in handy when I was sick with a sinus infection.  My sinus infections come quickly and out of no where.  I went from being completely fine to not having a voice in less than twelve hours.  I had an important meeting on the day I lost my voice though (one I had been attempting to set up for WEEKS) and was not about to miss my parent conference because I had no voice.  Google Translate allowed me to talk to my students during the day without talking, as well as communicating with the parent without saying a word.  It truly saved the day!  Google Translate helps in multiple areas, not just translating :) 

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