I was given this challenge by Teresa Thomassen. So here goes...
Random Facts About Myself:
1. I'm 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant and about to have another procedure done tomorrow and I'm slightly terrified.
2. I currently crave burgers or anything on a bun in general will do if a burger is out of the question.
3. I sold my motorcycle and it breaks my heart, but Abbie will be worth not riding for multiple years...
4. I have the BEST husband in the world - no seriously - I go bed ridden when I get home in the evenings (movement = irritation/bleeding = early Abbie) so he has been doing everything from cooking to cleaning to laps up and down the stairs for more water, medicine, food, etc. he's been AMAZING
5. I was taught to cook by my grandma (who is about to be 94) and like to make my pasta from scratch rather than buying store bought (although I haven't done that since I got pregnant)
6. I love to play the devils advocate - I see and try to point out both sides of an issue when I'm teaching so when students all pick one side, even if I agree with them on a personal level, I'll point out things opposite to get the to think about it further
7. I'm the baby of the family and we all ended up in public service roles. I'm a teacher, my older brother is a cop, and my eldest brother is a soldier in the U.S. army
8. I have OCD tendencies because I like to do things to the best of my ability and failure is typically not an option if I can control it (case and point)
9. I really don't like the color pink a whole lot so having lots of pink things for my daughter makes me jittery lol
10. I never realized how many facts 11 facts are until I started typing this... My favorite number is three
11. I like to be liked and while I know not everyone is not going to like me there are still moments it gets in my head and I need to work to get over it.
Teresa's Questions:
1. How are you really?
I am tired, emotional, stressed, excited, nervous, overwhelmed, and in pain.
2. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of the little one in my tummy. She may be causing me lots of pain and complications that may make it so I don't want to do this again, but she's going to be a blending of my husband and I and I can't think of anything more worthwhile that I've accomplished at the moment. After her, probably something job related - Pinnacle, getting my masters, etc.
3. How did you meet your significant other?
Our moms lol. Both of our mothers worked for the same hospital and were talking one day about how our friends had moved away and were still in the area and decided to have us meet to hang out and be friends, except rather than meeting for a hang out Dave asked me out on a date instead.
4. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? Why?
I would go to Italy because it is the part of my heritage I have the most attachment to. I'd like to see the village my great grandfather left behind looking for his American Dream and just see the sites and culture
5. Who in your life has influenced you the most? How?
My parents - they shaped me through my formative years. Even though I might not always do exactly what they want I know they're still proud of me and loving me and supporting me. Plus I have found that when fussing at a student or even sometimes at home things I said I would never say suddenly come out and I think 'oh goodness I'm becoming my mom/dad' and in all honesty if I'm even half the person either of them are I couldn't be that bad
6. What embarrasses you? Why?
Physical appearance when caught off guard or sick. For instance, I ended up in three different hospitals in three different states right after Thanksgiving for kidney issues. I hadn't been shaving my legs because I'm pregnant and couldn't reach all the way down. Going to the hospital, having to put on a hospital gown and having my hairy legs out was soo embarrassing for me. I might not be a girly girl and I might not particularly care that I wear the same base clothes for years, but I. Do mind giving a negative image of myself, especially when I'm already not feeling great. It's like when you know you don't look good because you don't feel good and then everyone you run into feels they need to solidify that fact for you.
7. What is something you wish everyone knew about you?
I'd rather be an introvert most days and not an extrovert. I don't mind sitting on the side of the room and just observing things. I want to belong and participate, but I don't need to be front and center or the loudest in the room. Most days I'd rather be a home body than out and about. Now if no one else is going to do something (like answer a question or do a presentation) I will typically step up to the plate not because I really want the attention, but because I would want someone to help out if the roles were reversed.
8. What is your favorite technology tool? Why?
Maybe this is old school, but I love a projector and laptop. I taught with an overhead in PA when I first started teaching and I hated it because I'm left handed and overhead projectors and the markers for them are just not meant for left handed people. When I went to my next school there was a projector and I brought in my own laptop. First I could type my notes (I'm not a huge fan of my own writing - students always complain that it is too small), second it comes in so handy when you can move the projector and do art things around the room (art is also not my strong suit but I can trace with the best of them). I was using the projector and colored chalk to do designs of the continents on my side boards so we praticed geography as a regular part of our day. Plus my first year in NC I had my Wii board and later a Mimeo board which created smart board ish capabilities without the smart board.
9. What did you do on your 16th birthday?
I went to church, to practice my driving, and then probably had dinner and cake with my family (it was a Sunday - not that much to do). I got to go to school late the next day though because my dad took me to do my driving test which I passed and got my license. I was given permission to drive myself to school later that same week and had my first car accident when I was rear ended at a stop light.
10. What is your favorite clean joke?
I learned this one from one of my old coworkers. Let me preface this by saying I was raised Catholic and some members of my family did NOT think this was funny (so if anyone is offended I apologize), but Father Summers had a good laugh with me when I told him it.
So two Baptist missionaries went to Africa and were trying to spread the word, but they came upon a tribe that was offended by them and they ended up dying. St. Peter meets them at the pearly white gates and begins to give them a tour of heaven. Here's the Lutherans and Episcopalians mansions, the mansions are loud and having huge parties and everyone is having a good time. They walk further along and St. Peter is pointing out other denominations mansions and they're all having great parties. St. Peter suddenly stops and says "I need you to not talk or make any noise for the next little while" they agree and begin walking again. While walking they pass a large building that is not having a party, but seems to be very somber and quiet with only whisps of prayers coming outside. When they get far enough away from the building, St. Peter tells the missionaries they can talk again and just a little further down the road, they're shown the Baptist mansion. The one missionary runs to join the party, but the other hangs back and says "I'm sorry to bother you St. Peter, but whose building did we pass back there and why did we need to be so quiet while passing it?" St. Peter responded, "oh that's an easy question, that was the Catholic's mansion and they think they're up here alone."
11. What was your favorite subject in school?
Academic - Social Studies - I don't think this needs explaining; Non-Academic - Choir - I used to sing ALL the time so a class where you could sing and were able to see your friends at the same time... Totally Marvy.
Challenge Goes To: (for the last part of my list I don't know if you have a blog so challenge one might be to make one - challenge two is the rest of it)
1. Jesse Birnstihl
2. Tripp Griffin
3. Samantha Young
4. Shelly Gibson
5. Craig Smith
6. Chris Goodson
7. Dave Miller
8. Barbara Dean
9. Bianca Yavelek
10. Jeff Guzauskas
11. Russ Paul
Questions to Answer:
1. If you could have any super power, what would you want? Why?
2. If you had to be a cartoon villain, which would you want to be? Why?
3. What is the best part of your job? Why?
4. When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
5. What subject did you like the least in school? Why?
6. If you could go back to being any age for 48 hours, which age would you want to flashback to? Why?
7. What is your favorite animal? Why?
8. What is the best meal you've ever had? What made it so great?
9. What is one thing you just can't live without?
10. If you were told you'd be going off the grid (no technology of any kind) for three months I the next 24 hours, what are you going to do to prepare?
11. What's one application/program you think everyone should know about? Why?
The Guidelines of Your Challenge:
1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
4. List 11 bloggers, excluding the blogger who nominated you.
5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you have listed to answer.
6. Let the bloggers know you have nominated them.
7. Post back here in the comment section a link to your post.